Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hume San Diego Week One: I'm All In.

We just wrapped up our first week at Hume San Diego. We've taken Hume and brought it down to Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. Instead of a lake and redwood forests, we get the whole Pacific ocean and sandy beaches. As I'm writing this, I can hear the crashing waves outside my window. God is good. 
Our western-style theme, All In, takes a look at the lives of David and Saul. It examines what it means to be all in for Christ and follow after God's heart, regardless of the circumstances. Saul often made decisions on his own without seeking God's help. He was looking victory, glory and approval from others which resulted in failure, pride, and jealousy. He was rejected as king because he did not follow after God's will. Conversely, David despite his flaws and sins went to God for advice and wisdom; he was a man after God's own heart. Despite the odds, he knew that God had to be trusted no matter the circumstance. Our theme verse is from Psalm 40.8 "I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart." Through this theme, students, counselors and staff alike will learn to seek after Christ, emulate his character and strive to follow after God's own heart. 
The gentlemen of Cornerstone Church
Last year, I worked as activities and recreation staff. We would run organized rec games and take students to the beach to surf, bike, kayak and swim. This year, I'm a lead counselor. Our primary function is to be a resource for the youth pastors and counselors. We want to take care of all the logistics so that they can be there for their students. It's kinda like being an RA on a floor of campers. It's so great to go around and talk with the students about what God has been teaching them. It brings me back to when I was there age and trying to figure out what it means to seek after God and his will in my life. I really enjoy being a lead and developing these friendships with churches and students. Having beach duty isn't so bad either. : ) 
Campers stand up to make a decision for Jesus
God was so present this week. He did such amazing things in the lives of campers. We had 250 junior high campers this week and over half of them made decision to follow Christ for the first time or rededicate their life to Him. It's time for some rest this weekend, we have over 700 high schoolers coming tomorrow. Can I get an AMEN??! 
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