written Friday, June 18, 2010.
we just finished our first week of camp down here in point loma. its hume lake meets the beach meets the spectacular city of san diego. this is the first time in a few weeks where i've had time to sit and be still. as I am typing, i can hear the crashing of the waves right outside my dorm. God is good.

finals were last week ago, in fact, one week from today i was smashing equations together trying to figure out my physics final. i booked it over from finals to point loma narzarene university where hume sd resides. that weekend we practiced the opener. the song has yet to leave my head. the campers arrived and the week hit off with the opener and theme: excusez mwa?
the theme is based off of II corinthians 5:14-15 which says: "for Christ's love compels us, for we are convinced that one died for all therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and was raised again." our culture today is so self centered, this week we are learning how we need to put Christ and others before ourselves. this sounds so simple and basic but takes a lifetime of learning. we are learning to excuse ourselves for the sake of others.
i am on activities and rec staff. this job is one of the best i've had. i mean, who wouldn't want to run rec games which involve shooting tenis balls at students or playing kajabe kan kan. then we hang out with the students while biking, surfing, kayaking, playing spicy uno and carpet ball, and creating a custom hume sd hat. one of my favorite things about rec is how we can relate being thrown into a trash can or being sprayed with colored water to our spiritual lives. i love how hume brings everything, i mean everything back to the the relationship we have with our Savior. i've gotten to know a lot of the students. my great friend and roomate, andrew ruiz, is a lead and i've gotten to talk with the students with him and get to know them. this week we had a floor of junior highers; they were awesome and i miss them already. so many kids joined the family of Christ this week and it brought me so much joy to pray with them and with their counselors. the students said so many hilarious things yet they learned so much about the living God. Patch wanted to "become a better man of God" and Erik realized that "love is not a feeling but an action" i've learned a lot from these guys; i loved their desire to learn more about Christ and instant friendship they gave our staff.

the halls are empty now. there are no cheers for o'cou tour or a la mode. there are no mustaches on the faces of cups and salt shakers. there are no students around wanting to play spicy uno.
don't worry, this will only last until sunday. we had 180 junior highers and next week there are 550 high schoolers. can i get an amen? i am so excited to see what God will do next week. praise be to God who works in the lives of not only students but in the lives of staff as well.