rec this week was so crazy. let's be honest here: i really really dislike sports. i have nothing against them, its just God did not design my body to move like that. BUT i LOVE rec. its one of my favorite things. the best part of rec is how we can relate hitting mcdonald's play place spheres off of kids head with pool noodles to the spiritual warfare that is going around us, found in Ephesians 6. man, i love hume, a lot. to top rec off, we played glow-in-the-dark kajabe. it was insane.
on decision night, so many students came to Christ or rededicated themselves to Him, i can't really give a number. it brought me such joy to pray and talk with the students. i love talking with them, its one of my new passions in life. another found favorite is worshiping with them, lifting our hands to a God who reaches us, no matter where we are or who we are.
victory circle was last night. it is such a bittersweet feeling. camp is over and they are going back to a world which is not Christ-friendly, a place full of temptations and selfishness. but at the same time, to hear what they learned and gained from this week and the things that God did in their lives brings me the best kind of joy. they were asked to sum up their camp experience in a few words. "never be the same" "life-changing experience" "I am found" were the ones that stuck out and gave me through Holy Spirit chills, which i love.
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