Monday, September 13, 2010

I'm packing up.

Well, the time has come. I can't believe it is already here. In less than 24 hours I will be on a plane headed to London. This semester I will be studying abroad at the University of Kent in Canterbury, England. It's about an hour southeast of London. The original Canterbury Tales were written by Chaucer at the end of the 14th century. They were stories of people  who took the pilgrimage to the Canterbury Cathedral. I can't wait to see the famous cathedral myself but unlike the pilgrims, my travels won't end there. This blog will tell of my tales and stories while living in the European continent.  

As some of you know, I created a food blog a little over six months ago called Salt & Spatula, it was formerly called Dorm(cooked).  Check it out if you haven't already. I'm kinda obsessed with food, I'll more than admit it. I even packed my favorite spatula to cook with. While I'm abroad and travelling around, I'll be updating this blog as well with anything that has to do with food. Hopefully it will be full of Barcelonian tapas, Parisian pastries, Roman pastas and pizzas, and and chips? OK, so the UK doesn't have the greatest food rep but honestly, it's really improving due to the influence of Asian, Indian, and European cuisines. But hey, they speak English right. At least I know what I'll be ordering.

I am really to see what God has in-store for this semester. I am really going to miss my home church, Flood, especially because I was a children's and youth intern last year. I can't wait to experience God not just as the God of America but also the Ruler and Savior of the entire world. His love transcends all borders and it doesn't matter if there are physical borders or language barriers; nothing can stop the love of Christ. I hope to show His love to those I meet and bring others to Him.  I would appreciate your prayers that I would find a body of Christ-followers on campus. I desire a place where I can grow in Christ and have fellowship with others. On this trip, I want God and showing His love to be my first priority. Here I go!

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