Tuesday, December 21, 2010

101 Days in Europe

Ninety-Nine Days [Due to Snow] One Hundred and One Days In Europe.
Seven Countries.
Fourteen Cities.
Twenty New Passport Stamps.
Countless trips on Planes, Trains, Cars, the Tube, Coaches, Metros, Buses, Taxis, Ferries, Funiculars, and Countless Miles of Walking.
I miss Canterbury already and I haven't even left the country yet. It's a city filled great history, ancient buildings and amazing people. I would definitely go back in a heart beat.
God has really blessed us on these past three months. I can't believe how fast they have flown by. It seems like just yesterday when we first touched down in London for the first time.
Even thought we are stuck in London because of the snow, God still has worked things out. We are staying with our friends in London in a warm house. We could be living in the airport for three days or in a hostel with all our stuff. God really does provide.
He has blessed us throughout this entire trip from barely making flights to having a light load of course work to getting to know great people.
While being here, God has reminded me of His unconditional love for us. It doesn't matter what we've done or will do in the future, He loves us the same. That thought still amazes me.
One of the things that I was worried about was finding a church and a community of friends. When we moved in, we found a flyer for the Christian Union and City Church Canterbury. God gave us a clear sign of His provision from the beginning.
I've learned how to trust Him more and more. When I didn't worry as much, I found that things worked out for us. When flights were cancelled or delayed, God provided us a way to get back to Canterbury safely. He kept us safe on our travels as well.
We also learned about the church in England. It was amazing to see people from all over the world worshiping the same God. Our Lord isn't stopped by border or different cultures. He is above all of that is working in peoples' lives around the world.
With all of these blessings, I needed to make sure I was giving God the thanks that He deserves. He was the one who had provided us a way to go to Europe. He was the one watching over and us and keeping us safe. He was the one who provided a community to join and friends to get to know.
When we first arrived in Canterbury, we were warmly welcomed and it helped us adjust to life in another country. I am so blessed to have met these amazing people. I see Canterbury now as not just a place to visit but another home and I see my friends that I have made as apart of my family...my family with an English accent. You guys are the ones who have made this experience for me. I can't thank you all enough - this post is for you. Kevin and I really appreciate our books that you all signed and gave to us. They are the best souvenir we have from our time in Europe. When, not if, you guys visit California, you are more than welcome to stay with us and we'll show you our country this time. I am going to miss you all a lot. I will remember this experience for the rest of my life. Thank you guys, and Thank you God.


  1. if you get any cooler i just might die.

  2. Spencer's mom says: We expect, want, are persuading you, dying to meet you...we want EACH and EVERYONE of you from Christian Union and Canterbury Church to COME VISIT and STAY with us in our home in California! Please think about doing that..and may God so lead you! Thank you being such special friends to Spencer! Merry, Merry Christmas to God's special family in Canterbury!!

  3. woah that looks amazing! i am so jealous!
    awesome blog, keep up the good stuff!


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