Friday, December 17, 2010

Packing up, some good byes, and final day to explore town.

So we are almost done packing. It's a miracle that I've managed to fit everything in, thanks Christine for that extra duffel, I'm so glad I brought it. It's packed full.

This morning we had our last American Breakfast on Fridays. This tradition has been going on for the past seven weeks. We've got the whole process down to a science and now sadly its over.
This is Josh. We're trying to convince him to move to California.
After breakfast, we walked into town for our final day of exploring. We are leaving for London tomorrow night after our church's Christmas program, Xmas Factor (X Factor is like American Idol. Their version is with puppets, I'm excited). So today we wanted to visit our places throughout the city to say good bye.

We walked down into the city with our friend Sarah.
Sarah has an amazing voice and has a HUGE heart for Jesus
Doug came along too.
Doug is one of the best around. One of his many claims to fame is that he was on the TV show Shipwrecked (think English Survivor). Sorry Doug, more people need to know how amazing you are.
We did some last minute shopping around town. It was lightly snowing but it didn't settle so it was quite nice. It felt quite Christmasy. We said goodbye to our favorite book shops and the Cathedral. Man, I'm going to miss that Cathedral. After that we had to say good bye to Doug. That was a hard one. I hope to see him soon in California.

Then we went with the church interns Josh, Dave, and Sarah to run an errand to Herne Bay. We wanted to hang out with them and didn't have anything else to do, so why not?

As sad as today was it was a really great day. Tomorrow we are finishing up our packing and then heading down to Xmas Factor with all our suitcases. I anticipate some tears will be shed tomorrow, as we say good bye to our friends for a very very long time. Then onto London we go. We are staying with our friend Charlotte's family. On Sunday we are going to say good bye to London. Hopefully, we can squeeze a tour of the future Olympics sites in.

Then Monday morning we fly our to CALIFORNIA!!! See you all soon very, very soon.

By the way, I finally post about the food in Athens on Salt & Spatula. Check it out.

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