Friday, December 10, 2010

Orvieto and Tivoli, Italy.

So on Monday, Kevin and I took the train to Orvieto.
This town is located in the region of Umbria near Rome. It reminded of an Italian version on Canterbury. For example, it's an hour and half outside a major city. There is an amazing church in the city called the duomo.
The city take a few hours to explore. It was a great time to soak in the Italian-ness of it all.
 We walked around the cliffs which served as protection during its ancient history. They also gave views of the valleys.
We walked around the shops selling painted ceramics and other local art. There were many restaurants as well. We ended up eating at a restaurant called L'oste del Rei where I got the pappardelle with wild boar ragu. It was the best thing I ate in Italy.
We had a great day in Orvieto, I highly recommend taking a trip out there. It only costs about 9 euro round trip on the train.

Another day trip that I suggest is to Tivoli.
Tivoli is a city about 30 minutes away from Rome. We explored the city and went to the Villa D'Este, a villa built in the 1500's.
 It's a great example of Renaissance architecture and has many, many fountains.

These trips were really relaxing. It was nice to get out of the big cities for awhile and to soak up the Italian culture. Tonight we're heading to Gatwick airport again. This time we're going to Athens. Less than 36 hours ago I was in Rome and now we're heading to Greece. Three countries in four days. I need sleep, I guess that's what the plane is for. 

Time is passing by so quickly. One week from Monday, I will be home in California. I really miss friends and family back home. I can't wait to see all of you. Another issue is trying to repack everything. I think my stuff has doubled in quantity since we've been here. Well, I guess I should pack for Greece now. I'll be back on Monday night.

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