Thursday, December 2, 2010

My first official SNOW DAY

This morning, I must have hit my snooze button about 34 times before finally getting up. It was one of those mornings where all I wanted to do was lay in my warm bed instead of going to class. Kevin bursts into my room and tells me to look outside. All I see is white. Overnight over a foot of fresh snow has fallen on our campus. We received an email stating "Having consulted the weather forecasts, I regret to say that all classes on the Canterbury campus are cancelled for the rest of the day and the KLS Office is closed. Stay at home, keep warm and catch up with your studies." aka SNOW DAY. Studies? Yeah, don't think so. 
We braved the 26 degree cold and trudged a mile and half into town. We met up with Josh and Dave and then we all went to the Westgate gardens where we had an epic snow fight. Even the swans were out and about.
The cathedral had also been dusted with holiday spirit.
We defrosted in Whetherspoons with a hot cup of tea with milk and two sugars, of course. Then we made our way up the snowy hill back to campus. Parts of our school resembled Narnia. 
I learned that England can't really handle snow. All the airports, buses, and trains were shut down. Schools were closed. Apparently, this is the snowiest its been here in 18 years. It's also several months early. Hopefully, this lets up by Saturday morning otherwise our trip is Italy will be cancelled.

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