Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Amazing Blean Woods with even more Amazing Friends.

Yesterday we went to the Blean Woods with our friends Josh, Dave and Sarah. It has been one of the highlights of my time here. We had some great talks, and great laughs. Our conversations ranged from what God is doing in our lives to mocking the American and English accents. I'm really going to miss them a lot.



We came back from the literal freezing forest and made some mac and cheese for lunch. As we entered our building, we saw a single snow flake, a sign that winter is upon us.

This was an incredible day. God has really blessed him so much with amazing friends. This makes leaving here so much harder. Hopefully, they will all decide to move to California.


  1. That's so cool Shelty came to visit! Looks like you guys had such a fun time!


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