Friday, November 12, 2010

Sandwich has no sandwiches.

So this morning we made some American pancakes for our friends, Dan, Doug and Lavinia. One day maybe I'll try making English pancakes which are kinda  in between the light, fluffy American pancake and the ever-so-thin French crepe.

Then Kevin, Lavinia and I went on an adventure.

We traveled to Sandwich where the sandwich got its name. During the 1700's, John Montagu, 4th earl of Sandwich, was playing cribbage one night and was hungry. He asked his valet to bring him slices of meat between two slices of bread. His friends saw that this food does not get your hands messy, so they ordered "the same as Sandwich" and the name stuck. Meat between two slices of bread was eaten before this but the earl was the one to coin the name.
So we thought that there was going to be a huge enterprise on Sandwich's Sandwiches. Crazy as it is, no one has come up with a sandwich shop in Sandwich. I would open a place here but I'm generally not a huge fan of sandwiches.
I imagine police arresting people for putting mayo on their sandwiches.
The town was really nice to walk around and very medieval in style. It wasn't too large however so we moved on to the next town. Well, we would have except people told us seven different things on how to get to Dover. So it took us a couple hours of waiting and buses to get there when it should have taken about a half over bus ride. By the time we arrived in Dover, it was dark (it gets dark at 4:30ish). So we didn't see the white cliffs or the castle. That, my friends, will be for another trip.

On another note, tomorrow Kevin and I will be traveling to Bremen, Germany to visit our friend Felix. Of course, the fact that our round trip flight to Germany back costs only a whopping $15 helps a bit too. Time to pack and sleep. Cheers!

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